Lessons learned – 11 years of Varnish Cache

with Poul-Henning Kamp

Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek

Bergen Linux (and BSD) User group have the honor to invite Poul-Henning Kamp to Bergen for the monthly meetup in October.

Remember 2006? You know - back when Pluto was still a planet? and nobody had heard of Edward Snowden.

Yeah, long time ago, wasn’t it?

This talk is about how the world has changed and how the Varnish software and the Varnish project has changed as a result over the last 11 years.

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote a lot of FreeBSD and almost all of the Varnish HTTP cache, in addition to a lot of other FOSS softwareyou run, probably without knowing it.

After the talk we will head to Henrik Øl og Vinstove for refreshments and further conversation.



Biblioteket stenger kl. 20. Vårt møtetidspunkt er derfor flyttet fra 19:00 til 18:30.

Foredraget vil sannsynligvis bli filmet, og streamet live på YouTube.

Program framover

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